Welcome to Soccer Aloud from Callionica!
I'm Alan. You can add web pages to your Soccer Aloud timeline from Safari so that I can read them to you later. Keep listening and I'll guide you through the process.
You add items to your timeline outside of the Soccer Aloud app.
You use the Safari web browser app to add articles to your Soccer Aloud timeline. Stay in Soccer Aloud for now, I'll tell you what to do.
You'll carry out the actions, while I walk you through the steps with my voice.
I'll help you add the first item to your timeline. Then you'll know how to add other items yourself.
Don't worry. I'll keep guiding you even when you switch to the Safari app. And I'll repeat instructions as we go so that you don't get lost.
If you do get lost and need me to start again, just switch back to Soccer Aloud. You can tap on the "Play" button while this item is selected to start over from the beginning.
Ready? Can you see your timeline in the Soccer Aloud app?
That's great.
First, I'll tell you how to switch to the Safari app and load a web page.
To make it easy, I've added a placeholder article to your timeline.
Look for the article called "Placeholder Article" in your Soccer Aloud timeline.
Do you see it?
If you look in the bottom left of the item, you'll see that it says "theguardian.com".
Every article in your timeline is associated with a web address.
Every article in your timeline shows the web site in the bottom left corner.
Tapping on the web site in the bottom left corner of an article in your timeline will open the article's page in Safari.
I've associated the placeholder article with the address of an article on The Guardian's website.
So if you tap in the bottom left corner where it says "theguardian.com", it will open Safari at a page covering the 2014 World Cup final.
Tap on "theguardian.com" now.
Can you still hear me?
That's great.
You should see that Safari has opened the page about the World Cup final.
Has the page loaded?
Now I can show you how to enable Soccer Aloud as an "activity" for use in Safari.
This is something you'll only need to do once.
First, you'll need to display the Activities menu by tapping the Share button.
Do you see the Share button? It looks like a box with an upwards pointing arrow?
Got it?
Tap the Share button now.
You should see the Activities menu.
Did the Activities menu appear?
OK. Great!
The Activities menu consists of three sections.
The top section is for AirDrop.
The bottom section with monochrome icons is for actions.
The middle section with colorful icons is for sharing.
We're interested in the middle section of colorful icons.
Do you see the middle section with colorful icons?
You might see icons for Message, Mail, Twitter, and Facebook. It depends what apps you have installed and what activities you've enabled.
That middle section is actually a horizontal scrolling list.
If you drag it to the left, you might see more items.
Drag the middle section of colorful icons all the way to the left now.
Keep going until you hit the end of the list.
Do you see a monochrome icon in the same row as the colorful icons?
It's a button with three dots that's labeled "More".
Tap the "More" button that's in the same row as the colorful icons.
You should now see a vertical list of smaller icons. The list has a heading that says "Activities".
Got it?
Now in the list you should see an entry labeled "Soccer Aloud" with our familiar icon featuring a football.
Do you see where it says "Soccer Aloud"?
Super! You're doing great!
Now you should see a switch for the Soccer Aloud activity.
To enable the Soccer Aloud activity, you want the switch to be on.
If the switch is off, tap on it to turn it on now.
Is the switch next to Soccer Aloud in the on position now?
Great! When the switch is on, sharing to Soccer Aloud is enabled.
Once you've enabled the Soccer Aloud activity, tap "Done".
Now you should be back at the Activities menu.
In the row of colorful icons, you should now see the icon for Soccer Aloud.
If you see the icon for Soccer Aloud, the Soccer Aloud activity is now enabled.
Now to save the current web page to your timeline, you just tap the button for Soccer Aloud.
Tap the Soccer Aloud button now.
Do you see an animation covering the web page? Great! That shows you that Soccer Aloud is saving the article to your timeline.
When the article is saved, you'll see the word "Goal" and the image will move off the top of the screen.
If the article fails to download for any reason, you'll see the word "Miss" and the image will move off the bottom of the screen.
If the download fails, check your internet connection and try again.
Did you see the "Goal" animation?
Now switch back to the Soccer Aloud app.
When you switch back to the Soccer Aloud app, you should see the timeline update with the article you just saved.
The new article is at the top of your timeline.
And that's it.
All you have to do to save an article to your timeline from Safari is tap the Share button, and tap the Soccer Aloud button.
You've seen that new articles come in at the top of your timeline.
You've seen how to go from your timeline to Safari by tapping an article's address.
And you've heard for yourself that I'll continue to read to you when you're using other apps.
Have fun adding articles to your timeline.
If you have any difficulties you can find written instructions on our website, soccer-aloud.com.
You can go to the relevant page quickly by tapping the lower left corner of this item in your Soccer Aloud timeline.